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September 19, 2024 2024 Giving Guide

VOA Northern New England

2025 Goals


  • Creation of a VOA Housing Campus in Bangor, which will be built in three phases. Serving Behavioral Health residents, providing apartments for low-income older adults, and unhoused supportive housing.

  • Creation of Augusta’s first ever “Housing First” initiative focused specifically on Veterans who are unhoused. This approach prioritizes providing permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness, thus stabilizing their lives and serving as a platform from which they can pursue personal goals and improve the quality of their life.

  • Expand mobile care teams throughout the state for older adults and people with disabilities, allowing them to stay in their homes.

Fundraising events/Opportunities

Join us on Oct. 5th at the UNE campus in Biddeford to learn how to cope with the emotional challenges of health care work. The keynote speakers will offer information about moral suffering and definitions of moral injury, the relationship between moral injury and mental health diagnoses such as depression and PTSD, ways to identify and address moral suffering, and strategies for maintaining moral resilience.

In addition to providing information, the conference will engage attendees in discussions with the speakers and each other and offer small group time for attendees to learn resilience skills and to share and reflect on morally challenging experiences. Purchase tickets at

Giving Opportunities

VOA sends out numerous appeals each year, approaching multiple donor segments. With 30 programs in Northern New England, we accept monetary and in-kind donations year-round for a myriad of causes, including Veterans, older adults, underserved youth, justice involved reentry, behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities. The greatest types of support we can receive from the business community are sponsorships for our programs, helping to fund events; providing in-kind donations for building projects/renovations at our many properties; and direct program funding through unrestricted grants/donations.

Volunteer Opportunities

Business and individual volunteers are vital contributors to our programs. VOA’s affordable housing properties provide opportunities for volunteers to improve the grounds around facilities (landscaping, painting, cleaning) during the fall and spring.