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September 25, 2007

AFL-CIO to Baldacci: No FairPoint deal

The Maine AFL-CIO will today join telephone workers, first responders and health care providers, among others, to deliver to Gov. John Baldacci more than 5,000 postcards in opposition to the proposed sale of Verizon's Maine wirelines to FairPoint Communications.

As the public hearings on the proposal wrap up today, representatives from the Maine AFL-CIO and several speakers planned to make a presentation at 11 a.m. in opposition to the sale in the State House Welcome Center in Augusta, according to a press release.

"If this sale is approved it could send Maine and its economy backwards," said Ed Gorham, president of the Maine AFL-CIO. "Cutting edge technology is essential to keeping good paying jobs in the state. FairPoint does not have the resources or the technology to keep pace with today's world."

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