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October 20, 2011

Auburn firm nets $20M power plant contracts

The Auburn division of Georgia-based Clyde Bergemann has secured more than $20 million in contracts to supply equipment for new power plants being built overseas.

Clyde Bergemann Auburn, the air-gas handling division of Clyde Bergemann, was selected to supply various exhaust system components to gas-fired power plants under construction in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, according to a press release. The plants, expected to be completed by 2013, will add nearly 4,000 megawatts of power generation capacity in the regions. Clyde Bergemann Auburn's customers for the projects are engineering, procurement and construction companies based in China and Korea. The company has previously collaborated with the firms on numerous projects around the world.

Clyde Bergemann Power Group acquired the Auburn company, formerly known as Bachmann Industries Inc., in 2009. At that time, the company had 60 employees. Its current number of employees was not immediately available.

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