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January 7, 2010 Bangorbiz

Bangor Hydro promotes execs

Bangor Hydro Electric Co. has appointed two of its top executives to new positions with the company.

Robert Hanf, the company's former president and chief operating officer, took over as chief executive officer on Jan. 1, according to a company press release. Prior to joining Bangor Hydro in 2007, Hanf served as general counsel to its parent company, Halifax, Nova Scotia-based Emera Inc., and its affiliates.

Gerard Chasse has been promoted to president and COO. He joined the company in 1990 as an electrical engineer and held various positions, most recently executive VP of operations, according to the release.

Bangor Hydro, Maine's second largest electric utility, serves a population of 192,000 in eastern and coastal Maine.

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