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Updated: January 4, 2021

'Bring it on!’: What 12 Maine business movers and shakers resolve to do in 2021

2021 clip art showing 2021 and a street Gerd Atlmann, A dozen Maine business dynamos shared their 2021 New Year's resolutions with Mainebiz.

As we kick off the New Year, a dozen Maine business executives from across the state shared their 2021 resolutions with Mainebiz. From keeping employees safe to supporting local eateries and other businesses, here is what these individuals told us.

Support local restaurants
"I'm resolving to order more takeout than I normally would from local restaurants and to sit outside as much as possible on restaurant patios that are open during January and February. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, but the next two months are going to be crucial to getting as many of these small businesses to the end of that tunnel as we can."
- Heather Sanborn, Rising Tide Brewing Co. owner and director of business operations, and a 2015 Mainebiz Woman to Watch

Drive impact in central Maine 
"In 2021, I resolve to support and increase local jobs and businesses by focusing on strategies that are mindful of community resiliency and drive deep impact within mid-Maine and the state’s innovation ecosystem."
- Garvan Donegan, Central Maine Growth Council director of planning, innovation and economic development

Keep employees safe
“My resolution for 2021 has been and will continue to be keeping each and every employee healthy and safe. At the end of the day that is all that matters ... I look forward to the day when COVID is a distant memory, but until then we will stay vigilant."
Steve Arnold, owner of Yarmouth Boat Yard, Moose Landing Marina and the Freedom Boat Club of Maine franchise 

Help Maine businesses grow
As Maine businesses adapt and work to recover from the impact of the pandemic, my resolution for 2021 is to reach as many of them as we can with resources, tools, workshops and access to coaching through our SkillsBuilder Marketing Coach program so they can grow in 2021.”
- Shannon Kinney, Dream Local Digital founder and a 2013 Mainebiz Woman to Watch

Self-care for high energy
“With the move to virtual, we’ve recognized that leadership comes from all levels and we’re excited to harness more of that energy in 2021. We’ll continue to be grateful and blessed for our amazing and loyal clients. Together, we helped each other weather 2020, and arm-in-arm we’re ready to take on 2021. For me personally, I resolve to focus on self-care so I can remain strong and bring high energy to my team, our clients and to the organizations I’m involved in throughout the community."
Linda Varrell, Broadreach Public Relations president

Post-vaccination hugs, handshakes
"My resolution for 2021 is to get a COVID vaccine (as soon as it’s my turn) and then hug all my family and friends and shake the hands of our customers, thanking them for their business."
- Andrew Silbsy, Kennebec Savings Bank president and CEO

Remote productivity solutions
At Friday, we're excited to focus more time on helping individuals, teams and organizations work better from anywhere. Specifically, our 2021 goal is to help people focus and save at least four hours a week that they would normally spend in unproductive meetings or dealing with workplace distractions. We think there's a really interesting opportunity to create a bit more structure and help you plan your day when working remotely."
Luke Thomas, CEO of Friday, a Portland-based developer of a communications platform for remote-work teams

'Evolutions' mindset
"Instead of New Year’s resolutions, I am thinking of New Year’s evolutions ... I look forward to applying new skills, perspectives and priorities from 2020 into my work in 2021."
- Gretchen Johnson, director of strategic partnerships, Preti Flaherty

From a husband-wife business team
My hope for 2021 is that we can turn the corner and feel comfortable getting bold again — to get really, really excited about things. To help each other remember what we’ve been saving lives for. And while we’re not there yet, I would love to be done saying, 'That’s probably too fun for right now.'"
- Michelle Philbrook, co-owner of Mishmash Marketing and Philbrook PR

"My resolution is to convince my business partner, who also happens to be my wife, to take a vacation. And to keep learning our clients’ businesses so that the work we produce continues to be worthy of their time and investment."
- Chris Philbrook, co-owner of Mishmash Marketing and Philbrook PR

Convey hope
If I had to choose one word that will guide me in 2021, both personally and professionally, it is ‘hope.' Although 2020 was full of difficult challenges for so many, there was still a lot of hope with individuals supporting local businesses, communities supporting those in need and, yes, financial institutions lending an extra hand to help people navigate financial challenges. With a vaccine and better days ahead, my goal is to utilize my professional role as a communicator to convey a message of hope and to build upon the strong foundation already in place to help our communities and individuals flourish. 2021 — bring it on!"
- Jon Paradise, Town & Country Federal Credit Union senior vice president of marketing, communications and community outreach

Bring purpose to business 
"Conscious Revolution will continue to partner with business leaders who build companies that are the best in and for the world, proving by all definitions of success, including financial, that purposeful businesses that add value to all their stakeholders is the only way business should be done. Our Portland Conscious Capitalism Chapter will also grow, connecting more Maine leaders who know in their hearts that business should be done a different way but may not know that their heart is aligned with conscious capitalism."
Tara Jenkins, Conscious Revolution CEO and founder, and Portland Conscious Capitalism Chapter founder and co-lead 

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