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May 10, 2011

Community college tuition to rise

Trustees of the Maine Community College System yesterday voted to raise tuition at the system's seven colleges by 2.4% to help offset a budget deficit in the coming academic year.

Beginning this summer, in-state students will pay $86 a credit hour, an increase from $84, while out-of-state students will pay $172 per credit hour, a $4 increase, according to the Bangor Daily News. Full-time Maine students taking 30 credit hours will pay $2,580 a year, a $60 increase, while out-of-state students will pay $5,160 a year, an increase from $5,040.

System President John Fitzsimmons said the tuition hike will generate an additional $700,000, though MCCS still faces a $1.6 million shortfall due to the increase in cost of living. The biennial state budget does not include cuts to the system. He told the paper each college is devising its own plan to address the shortfall, and that layoffs and service reductions are possible.

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