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December 10, 2009

Cutler jumps into guv race

A Bangor native with strong ties to the Democratic Party is tossing his hat into Maine's gubernatorial race as an independent candidate.

Formally announcing his candidacy in Bangor and Portland, Cape Elizabeth attorney Eliot Cutler, who worked closely with former Sen. Edmund Muskie and in former President Jimmy Carter's administration, said the Democratic Party is a shadow of its former self and he believes he can accomplish more as an independent, according to the Bangor Daily News.

Cutler outlined three essential initiatives of his campaign: the creation of a public power authority that generates electricity throughout Maine from renewable resources and stops the exportation of electricity; a new statewide framework to deliver essential health services affordably; and a task force that would eliminate redundant or failing government programs.

Cutler, 63, is privately financing his run for governor.

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