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December 10, 2009

Oxford Aviation, county back in court

A long-simmering dispute between Oxford County and Oxford Aviation, an aircraft refurbishing company that leases facilities at the county-run airport, is before Oxford County Superior Court again.

The company is seeking a summary judgment in its favor in a breach of contract charge filed in August 2008 against the county, which Oxford Aviation claims has not honored its obligation to keep the facility in good repair, according to the Sun Journal. The company claims problems such as roof leaks dating back to 2000 have continued, while the county counters it has put more than $100,000 into repair and remediation of the airport buildings.

In its counter-claim, the county says Oxford Aviation failed to live up to its obligations by not paying its $1,800 rent in April and May of this year, according to the paper. The lease between the county and Oxford Aviation extends to 2027.

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