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June 17, 2009

Cyro trims 35 in Sanford

A "dramatic fall" in the demand for its products has led to the layoff of 35 workers at a Sanford acrylics manufacturer.

The layoffs were part of an overall restructuring of the New Jersey-based Evonik Cyro company, which also laid off 21 workers yesterday at other North American facilities, according to the Journal Tribune. In May, 52 workers at the Sanford plant took advanatge of a severance package offered to its 220-member work force.

According to President John Rolando, who cited a dramatic fall in demand for its products in the automotive, construction and retail display industries, the company is trying to save $9 million annually, part of Evonik Industries' global savings goal of $690 million annually by 2012. Local laid-off workers will receive a financial severance package, outplacement services and assistance from the Maine labor department's Rapid Response program. The plant will remain in production 24 hours per day, seven days a week, reported the paper.

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