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June 18, 2010

DEP proposes chemical ban

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is moving to ban a chemical component of plastics, the first time the state agency has tried to ban a chemical under a consumer protection law passed in 2008.

The chemical, Bisphenol-A, or BPA, is a component of many reuseable plastic sports water bottles, baby bottles, CDs and food containers, reported Maine Public Broadcasting Network. It has been linked to genetic abnormalities and neurological disorders in animals, according to David Littell, DEP commissioner.

If the ban is approved by the Maine Board of Environmental Protection, manufacturers would have to notify the state if BPA is in their products and if it may come into contact with children. In addition, the sale of reusable food or beverage containers containing BPA would be prohibited, according to MPBN. The law, the Kids Safe Products Act requires the DEP to identify two potentially dangerous chemicals this year. A public hearing on the issue is scheduled in August.

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