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March 16, 2010

Guv primary candidates number 12

Twelve candidates in the race for Maine's next governor will appear on the June primary, making it the largest primary since 1994.

Seven Republicans and five Democrats met yesterday's 5 p.m. deadline to turn in at least 2,000 signatures from registered voters in order to qualify for the June 8 primary, according to the Bangor Daily News. The Republicans are: Steven Abbott, William Beardsley, Matthew Jacobson, Paul LePage, Peter Mills, Les Otten and Bruce Poliquin. The Democrats are: Patrick McGowan, Elizabeth Mitchell, John Richardson, Steven Rowe and Rosa Scarcelli. The Green Independent Party's only declared candidate, Lynne Williams, dropped out after failing to get enough signatures, and said she may sue the state to challenge the signature requirements for smaller parties, arguing the number of required signatures should be based on a percentage of total voters in a party.

Democrats Donna Dion and Peter Truman will be dropped from the list of primary candidates, while the nine unenrolled candidates not be included in the primary must gather 4,000 signatures by June 1 to qualify for the November ballot.

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