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April 22, 2013

Jobless rate drops to 7.1% for March

Maine's unemployment rate has dropped to 7.1% in March, coming in below the 7.3% rate for both the previous month and one year ago.

According to the latest figures from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, that means about 50,000 people seeking work remain unemployed, which is down an estimated 1,700 since the start of the year.

The Maine Department of Labor reported that the decline in Maine's unemployment rate is attributable to more people finding jobs and a number of people who have stopped searching for work.

Meanwhile, the state DOL said the decline in the national unemployment rate in March — from 7.7% to 7.6% — was largely due to people dropping out of the labor force.

The department reported that Maine continued — for the 66th consecutive month — to outpace national employment figures based on employed people versus the total population. In Maine, 60.4% of the population is working, compared to 58.5% nationally.

See how the latest figures pan out, by county, in this chart updated monthly by Maine's Center for Workforce Research and Information:

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