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January 9, 2009

Lawmakers due for a salary bump

Maine lawmakers will receive a 3.7% pay hike, giving the citizen legislators $13,526 for this year's session, reported the Associated Press.

By state law, an annual cost-of-living increase is determined by the Consumer Price Index and applied in December. The first year of a two-year session usually lasts six months, so lawmakers are paid more in the first year than during the second year, when sessions generally run four months. During the 2007-08 session, they received $12,713 for the first year and $9,316 the second, for a total of $22,029.

Citing budget shortfalls, leaders of both the House and Senate say cost-of-living increases will be on the table when a new state budget is adopted for fiscal 2010-11, which begins July 1.

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