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September 20, 2021

Lawmakers urge opening US border to vaccinated Canadians by October

Border crossing at Lubec, Maine File Photo / Jim Neuger Cars are shown entering the United States in August 2019 at Lubec, as they come off the bridge from Campobello Island in New Brunswick, Canada.

Eight congressional lawmakers, including U.S. Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, are urging President Joe Biden to begin allowing vaccinated Canadians to travel to the United States through land ports of entry by October.

Noting the economic and familial strains caused on states that border Canada, the senators made their case in a letter Friday.

Besides King, the letter was signed by Democratic Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan, of New Hampshire; Jon Tester, of Montana; Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, of Michigan; Kirsten Gillibrand, of New York; and Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota.

“As Senators who represent states along the northern border, our communities have been deeply affected by the restrictions on travel. Many of our communities maintain close professional and personal ties with communities in Canada," they wrote.

"Canadians come to our states to conduct business, enjoy recreational opportunities, buy goods, and visit friends and family. The restrictions on non-essential travel across the border have greatly curtailed these activities and led to economic and emotional strain in our communities."

Travel across the border between U.S. and Canada has been severely restricted since March 2020 because of the pandemic, resulting in significant disruptions to Maine communities, businesses and families.

In light of progress in COVID-19 vaccinations in both countries, Canada opened its border to vaccinated Americans last month, but the U.S. government extended its ban on nonessential travel from Canada.  

In July, King joined with Maine’s congressional delegation in sending a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, urging the Biden administration to take steps to allow fully vaccinated Canadians to cross the border for business or leisure.

In the Sept. 17 letter, the lawmakers said that while they appreciate the need to prioritize the health and safety of the American public through reasonable restrictions on international travel, they believe that fully vaccinated Canadians should be allowed to safely travel to the United States through land ports of entry.

"We urge you to lift these restrictions before October, provide a plan for reopening land ports of entry and appoint an interagency lead on U.S.-Canadian border restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic," they wrote. The lawmakers note that an interagency lead would facilitate discussions between the administration and their offices and ensure that the lawmakers can effectively convey constituents' concerns as the Bidean administration evaluates the pandemic.

"We know that vaccines work and provide the best opportunity to end this pandemic," the letter concluded. "Allowing fully vaccinated Canadians to travel freely to our states and others would reflect the public health data which shows that vaccines work."

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