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June 21, 2011

LePage signs budget, chides lawmakers

Gov. Paul LePage has signed into law a $6.1 billion two-year state budget passed by the Legislature Thursday, but not before criticizing lawmakers for failing to adequately address welfare spending.

While LePage acknowledged lawmakers' efforts to cut taxes and pay down unfunded liability in the state pension system, he said they "significantly fell short" in curbing welfare spending, according to Capitol News Service. He told the news service that not cutting welfare spending enough will impact the state's economic recovery, and that he plans to propose changes to welfare programs in January. Though the budget eliminates benefits for some immigrants and imposes stricter penalties for welfare rule violations, legislators nixed LePage's proposal to cut MaineCare benefits for some parents and childless adults.

Legislative leaders defended their budget, calling it a successful compromise. Last week, lawmakers wondered whether LePage planned to sign the budget as written, or if he would veto all or some of the bill, according to the Maine Public Broadcasting Network. The budget takes effect July 1.

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