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March 29, 2012

Maine last in nation for personal income growth

Personal income in Maine rose 3.4% last year, the lowest in the nation, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. The national average was 5.1%.

Maine’s personal income last year was $50.4 billion, up from $48.8 billion in 2011. The 3.4% increase ranked Maine No. 50 for personal income growth. The highest personal income increase was 8.1% in North Dakota. According to the BEA, many states rebounded from the recession, and personal incomes in 45 states reached new peaks.

Maine’s per-capita personal income -- the amount of personal income divided by the state’s population -- was $37,973, a 3.3% rise over 2011, which gave Maine a ranking of 49. The highest per-capita increase was 6.7% in North Dakota; nationally, it rose 4.3%.

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