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February 26, 2009

MDF report reflects stalled economy

A turbulent local and national economy is all the more reason to invest in higher education, infrastructure and research and development, according to a report released today by the Maine Development Foundation.

In its 15th Measures of Growth report, a compendium of benchmarks on Maine's economic and civic well-being, the MDF is calling for "investments that grow the new economy while also supporting today's economy."

The bulk of the 40-page report shows that Maine continues to struggle to make significant gains toward many of its economic goals. Most notably, Maine is losing ground when compared with New England and the nation in manufacturing productivity and high-speed Internet use, according to the report. Other drags on the economy are stagnant per capita personal income and the state and local tax burden, according to members of the Maine Economic Growth Council who assess the indicators. The high cost of energy and health care also was flagged.

Among the state's growing strengths are advances against chronic disease and workplace injuries and stepped-up initiatives promoting research and development. The state also earned kudos for the number of Mainers who have health insurance.


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