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February 27, 2009

Verso idles Bucksport mill for week

Verso Paper said it will temporarily lay off most of the 756 workers at its Bucksport mill for two weeks as it tries to better manage its inventory.

A spokesman for Verso, which also operates the Androscoggin Mill in Jay, told the Bangor Daily News that the paper machines at the Bucksport mill will be shut down from March 9 until March 23. Verso, headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., makes paper for catalogs and magazines.

Furloughs have become almost common place at some of Maine's paper mills as companies try to better manage operations by producing less speculative inventory. Fraser Papers earlier this month said it would furlough as many as 600 workers at its paper mill in Madawaska for up to two weeks as part of a new company policy to match production with confirmed orders.

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