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4 hours ago

New bookstores will ‘bookend’ Saco and Biddeford

Photo / Alexis Wells Sherman's Maine Coast Book Shops will go into the Shaw's Plaza in Saco.

Two bookstores are opening in Saco and Biddeford this spring. 

Sherman's Maine Coast Book Shop, which claims to be Maine's oldest bookstore, will open its 10th location in the Saco Valley Shopping Center, at 4 Scammon St., in Saco. 

Jeff Curtis, the owner of Sherman's, told Mainebiz that he hopes to have the store open by Memorial Day.

For now, Sherman's Maine Coast Book Shops has bookstores in Damariscotta, Boothbay Harbor, Freeport, Bar Harbor, Portland, Rockland, Topsham, Windham and Falmouth. 

A bookstore display window
Pictured is Sherman's Maine Coast Book Shops Portland location at 49 Exchange St.

"We decided to open our store at this location because it offers a unique mix of downtown walking access and shopping center parking," said Curtis. "Our scouting in the Saco area leads us to believe that the shopping experience of books, cards, toys and gifts that Sherman's offers will be very well received."

Sherman's carries a full range of interests in new book titles, including a selection of Maine-related titles and authors, as well as children's books, adult fiction, nonfiction and half-priced books. 

The Saco location will be open seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Across the bridge 

Over in Biddeford, Matt Swanson, a southern Maine native and a book lover who has spent over two decades selling books, plans to open Biddeford Book Co. in early summer. 

The bookstore, which is slated to open in June, will be at 380 Elm St. in Biddeford. It will offer a wide range of new and used books for adult readers.

Once it is open, Swanson plans to add a children's section, sell other non-book items such as maps, postcards, and prints. It will also host readings and community events. 

Biddeford Book Co. will be open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Swanson said he plans to extend the hours over the summer.

"I've seen firsthand the incredible impact that local bookstores and libraries can have," said Swanson. "I want to build something that can be an integral part of the community for years to come."

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