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December 17, 2009

Oct. retail sales down

Retail sales statewide continued to decline through October, compared with sales last year.

According to data released today by the Maine State Planning Office, total taxable retail sales in October 2009 were down 3.9% from October 2008, and 7.9% lower year-to-date compared to the same period last year. On brighter note, sales of food, general merchandise and auto parts and vehicles were higher in October 2009 than in October of 2008. The year-over-year comparison show shows an increase in food sales of 4.1%; general merchandise sales of 1.7%; and auto parts and vehicle sales of 2.6%.

Building supply sales continued their decline, coming in 18.1% lower through this October when compared to the same period last year. Lodging sales were also down 3.8% and restaurants, 0.5%. The continuing decline in retail sales this year has been cited as a significant obstacle in the state's ability to set a budget based on sound revenue forecasts.

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