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January 12, 2011

Organic, preserved farmland touted

The number of acres of organic farmland in Maine has doubled since 2002, and the amount of protected farmland could also grow, two farm organizations said in separate announcements yesterday.

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association's study, "Maine's Organic Farms: An Impact Report," found that 38,767 acres of organic farmland were used for production in 2007, more than doubling 2002's acreage amount of fewer than 15,000. From 1988 to 2008, the number of certified organic farms grew from 41 to 339, giving Maine the 12th highest number of organic farms in the country. Organic farmers generated more than $36.6 million in total economic output in 2007 and supported 1,596 jobs, the report found. Organic farmers are not allowed to use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and must feed livestock with organic feed.

Also on Tuesday, the Maine Farmland Trust announced it is currently raising $50 million to buy and preserve 100,000 acres of farmland, according to the Kennebec Journal. The organization, which announced the plan at the annual Agricultural Trades Show in Augusta, has already raised $5 million. The trust plans to protect farmland from being developed as housing lots and keep it available for use by future farmers.

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