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May 11, 2011

Poll: LePage's unfavorable rating grows

Mainers' unfavorable opinion of Gov. Paul LePage has grown since he took office, according to a new poll, though LePage's office dismissed those results.

The poll by Portland-based Pan Atlantic SMS Group found that 56.1% of respondents had a somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of LePage, a rise from 47.5% recorded in the firm's October poll prior to LePage's election. Of those surveyed, 38.9% had a favorable opinion, while 5% did not know. While nearly 74% of Republicans had a favorable opinion of the governor, 27% of Independents and 18% of Democrats had a favorable opinion. Also, 22% rated his performance as governor as average, while 55% called it poor or very poor, and 21% called it good or excellent. The poll questions related to LePage were commissioned and paid for by MaineToday Media.

In a statement released Monday, LePage spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett said the poll "focuses on style rather than substance," and said more attention should be directed to major issues such as health care and the state budget. "Governor LePage has moved beyond the rhetoric linked to distractions which do not focus on creating jobs," the release states.

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