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April 30, 2014

Report: Lobster prices dropped over 10 years

The American lobster was the only major seafood source to drop in price from 2003 to 2013.

The Portland Press Herald reported that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found that the price of lobster decreased from a national average price of $3.96 a pound in 2003 to $2.87 a pound in 2012. The report analyzed landings for lobster, Atlantic herring, blue mussel, cod and haddock, ocean quahog clam, pollock, sea urchin and softshell clams across the country.

During the same 10-year period, lobster represented the greatest increase in landings, to nearly 150 million pounds in 2012, among the 10 key species listed in the report. A recent University of Maine survey indicates the upward trend for lobster landings could be coming to an end, with a forecast of decreasing populations of young lobster in the Gulf of Maine.

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