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September 19, 2007

South Portland rail yard cited for oil spill

The Department of Environmental Protection has ordered the owner of a South Portland rail yard to pay to clean up a recent oil spill that released 500 gallons of waste oil into a nearby pond.

Portland Terminal Co. must play an estimated $200,000 to clean Rigby Yard, and will also likely face a fine, according to the Portland Press Herald. The company also must develop a plan for collecting stormwater to ensure it is not contaminated with waste oil and determine how much contaminated soil is on the site. There were 22 documented spills at the site between 1978 and 2003, involving a total of 11,760 gallons of oil, the DEP said.

DEP investigators became aware of problems at the yard on Aug. 6, when black oil coming from stormwater drains spread across a pond in Calvary Cemetery alongside Route 1 in South Portland, the paper said.

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