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April 26, 2010

State readies for health care changes

The state is moving forward with plans to implement the new federal health care reform law.

Gov. John Baldacci has announced the creation of the Health Reform Implementation Steering Committee under the Governor's Office of Health Policy and Finance to begin work on implementing the changes under the new law, according to a press release. The committee will review how to access federal funds and how to create a state health exchange. The steering committee is made up of the director of the health policy office, the state's superintendent of insurance, executive director of the Dirigo Health Agency, and the commissioners of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation.

As many as 37,000 small businesses in Maine are expected to qualify for tax credits for health insurance, while 125,000 uninsured Mainers and 40,000 Mainers who purchase individual health plans will be affected as well.

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