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August 2, 2010

Telford Aviation founder dies

Telford Allen II, the founder of Bangor-based Telford Group, was killed Sunday in a plane crash on Moosehead Lake.

Allen, 64, died as he attempted to land his floatplane in front of his house in Rockwood on a return trip from Rangeley, according to the Bangor Daily News. Passenger Natalie Holmes-Moody was injured in the crash. An investigation into the crash is continuing, although initial reports indicate the plane's wheels were down as the plane landed, causing it to flip over in the water.

Allen founded Telford Aviation Services in 1982 in Waterville as a charter flight company, then relocated it to the Bangor International Airport in the 1990s. As the Telford Group, the company became nationally known for airplane parts sales and maintenance, and Allen transferred operation of the business to his sons, Telford III and Travis. In 2009, the Allen family sold the company to Milwaukee-based air cargo company ACC Holdings LLC, which in April turned over control of Telford's maintenance and repair operations for commuter aircraft to Australian firm C&L Aerospace Ltd. A new Bangor-based firm, Maine Aero Services Inc., was established to take over servicing private and corporate aircraft.

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