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October 16, 2007

Temp rule could hurt Down East lobstermen

A surprise federal directive issued October 12 will force lobstermen in Washington County to temporarily remove their traps by the end of the week at the height of fishing season.

After sighting three northern right whales in the waters off Machias in early October, the National Marine Fisheries Service on Friday established a temporary Dynamic Area Management zone off the coast of Down East Maine. The zone encompasses 841 square nautical miles and will be in effect from Oct. 20 to Nov. 3.

In the DAM zone, lobstermen have to either remove their traps or switch from using floating rope to sinking rope, which the Maine Lobstermen's Association estimates will cost each lobsterman $15,000, according to the Bangor Daily News. "It's going to be impossible because it's such a short notice," Farrell Beal, a lobsterman from Jonesport who has 800 traps in the DAM zone, told the newspaper.

This decision is independent of the gear requirement set to go into effect October 2008 that will force all lobstermen to exchange floating rope for sinking rope primarily to protect the right whale.

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