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June 26, 2020

UMaine System trustees to consider tuition hike, but not because of COVID-19

The University of Maine System board of trustees meets Friday afternoon to consider next year’s proposed budget for the state public university network.

The $560 million spending plan does not include increases in tuition or fees as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, said UMS spokesman Dan Demeritt in a press release.

The anticipated costs of responding to the pandemic at Maine’s seven public universities and law school will exceed $20 million in terms of lost event revenue, student safety allowances in dining and residence hall operations, and investments in technology and safety equipment and supplies. 

A 2.5% tuition hike, based on inflation, has been a part of the budget planning since the start of the process a year ago, according to Demeritt. The tuition increase is based on the Consumer Price Index and was included in the system’s financial projections made three years ago.

The trustees were scheduled to meet at 1 p.m. and expect to take up the budget at 3 p.m.

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