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September 24, 2009

Wind farm critics file appeal

Opponents to a proposed wind farm in Roxbury have filed an appeal to the approval granted last month by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

The group, Concerned Citizens to Save Roxbury, is asking for a formal hearing before the state's Board of Environmental Protection about the credibility of the licensing criteria used to grant Record Hill Wind LLC permission to build a 22-turbine, 55-megawatt wind farm, according to the Sun Journal. It also wants the original DEP order voided and the project returned to the DEP for additional conditions.

Former Gov. Angus King and business partner Rob Gardiner, principals of Record Hill Wind, told the newspaper they expected the appeal and are confident the project will prevail. "We don't see anything in here that makes us terribly concerned," Gardiner told the Sun Journal of the 58-page appeal. "We must respond to the appeal and we must address the issues, but, in terms of anticipating the outcome, we're pretty confident the original decision is pretty invulnerable to an appeal."

Read the full story in the Sun Journal >>

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