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Poll results

In June, Mainebiz asked readers about their expectations for business during the state's busy summer months ahead.

Nearly half of the readers who responded said this year's summer economy would be better than it was in 2023.

Now, as the summer of 2024 wraps up, it's time to take a look back and see how the season went.

Overall, how do you feel business in Maine has been this summer?
Better than last year (41%, 73 VOTES)
About the same as last year (37%, 66 VOTES)
Worse than last year (22%, 40 VOTES)
Poll Description

In June, Mainebiz asked readers about their expectations for business during the state's busy summer months ahead.

Nearly half of the readers who responded said this year's summer economy would be better than it was in 2023.

Now, as the summer of 2024 wraps up, it's time to take a look back and see how the season went.

  • 179 Votes

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  • August 26, 2024

    I would love to talk to the businesses that are the same or worse than last year! The weather has been better, this year until August. The weather was terrible last summer. This allowed people to get out more. There are about 149,493 small businesses in Maine (99.2%) according to google that employ 291,387 people. 14,00 new businesses and 11,880 high schoolers graduated in 2024 and 2,500 families have moved to Maine as of June 2024. That's a lot of growth. That's more people and businesses to help.