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Sponsored by: Boots2Roots
Updated: September 26, 2022 2022 Giving Guide


2023 Goals

Boots2Roots enduring goals are:

  • To have military-members, veterans and spouses hired within 60 days of arriving to the state (93% success rate)
  • For our “Teammates” to stay in their first post-military job for at least 12 months (95% success rate)
  • For 2023, we are seeking to increase the number of veterans and their families attracted to Maine’s workforce from 80, to over 150 annually.

Fundraising/Event Opportunities

Boots2Roots is hosting two Workforce Attraction Campaign Summits this fall. We’ll be at the Tarratine in Bangor on Oct. 5 and at the Cumberland Club in Portland on Nov. 9. These are always great events where employers, partners and local officials get to meet transitioning veterans and learn about Boots2Roots' efforts to attract military talent to the state. For more about the events or to become an event sponsor, visit our website at Help us make Maine the destination of choice for more of the 200,000 military members who transition from active-duty each year.

Giving Opportunities

Boots2Roots is seeking diversified, sustainable funding through a combination of corporate sponsorships, private foundation grants and state workforce attraction initiatives. We encourage employers who want to learn about partnership and sponsorship opportunities, or who may be interested in hiring one of our Teammates, to contact us. We have also benefitted over the years from generous donations from individuals who recognize the value of investing in veteran families and in Maine’s workforce. Any individual or organization who recognizes the value of bringing military talent to Maine’s workforce should reach out.

Volunteer Opportunities

Boots2Roots has an abundance of volunteer opportunities. These include working as a member of our Advisor Board to develop ways to connect veterans to Maine employers; acting as a Peer-Mentor for transitioning military members and families; and resume, interview and career coaching. You don’t have to be a veteran to volunteer. We are looking for people who have a passion for helping people and contributing to best outcomes from Maine.