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Give 400 Maine kids from low-income households 10 days of fun at an overnight summer camp! Provide each child with everything they need to have fun at camp, including outdoor gear, bedding, toiletries and bus transportation to and from camp.
Get kids in need outside and introduce them to many outdoor activities, including swimming, biking, hiking, archery, kayaking, canoeing and climbing a ropes course.
Welcome our campers into a supportive community they return to year after year, where they make lifelong friends and meet adult mentors who encourage them to pursue their dreams.
Disconnect kids from screens for their 10 days at camp, so they can connect to each other and have fun trying new things outside.
Teach kids in need essential life and leadership skills, such as goal setting, positive risk taking, and collaboration, that help children build self-confidence.
Provide underserved kids with exposure to career and college opportunities through skills workshops, campus tours, scholarship discussions and one-on-one conversations with mentors about future aspirations.
50th Anniversary Gala – Please join us on Oct. 3 at Brick South in Portland to celebrate 50 years of changing children’s lives! Campfire Under the Stars, presented by Trout Lake Sponsor Bangor Savings Bank, will be an unforgettable gala to benefit Maine kids. Honorary Chairs are Bob and Jen Montgomery-Rice and special guests of honor are Gov. Ken Curtis and Mrs. Polly Curtis. Visit to become a sponsor or purchase tickets. All proceeds will send Maine kids in need to camp.
Susan Curtis Golf Classic 2025 – Hosted annually each August. Visit to learn more about registering a foursome or becoming a sponsor. All proceeds will send Maine kids in need to camp.
Individual Donations: It’s because of caring people like you that Maine kids in need get to come to camp each year. $150 sends a child to camp for a day. $1,500 will send one child to camp for all 10 days! Visit to donate today!
Corporate Sponsorships: Sponsor our upcoming 50th Anniversary Gala on Oct. 3. Visit to learn more!
Gifts of Stock: If you’d like to make a gift of stock, please contact our Director of Development, Alaena Dunn, at
Bequests: By including Camp Susan Curtis in your will, kids in need will get to return to Camp Susan Curtis for years to come.
Giving Tuesday – Dec. 3: Celebrate Giving Tuesday by sending kids in need to camp!
Individual opportunities include serving on one of our dynamic board committees, teaching campers a new hobby or skill at our “special interest weekends” at camp and assisting with mailings and fundraisers at the office in Portland.
Group opportunities include landscaping, camp clean-up days and assembling camper supplies.
Corporate partners welcome campers to their workplace through “Camp to Campus” field trips that help expose campers to possible career opportunities.
Executive Director
Chair Partner, Pierce Atwood LLP
Elyse Corbett, PhD, Vice Chair Psychologist, Bella Vita Counseling
Michael Norton, Clerk Writer and Marketer, Self-employed
Laura Huddy, Treasurer Senior Vice President, Commercial Lending, Bangor Savings Bank
Todd Beacham, Senior Vice President/Senior Market Manager, Business Banking, Bank of America
Brian Deveaux, Vice President Finance/CFO, Hussey Seating Company
Ted Hall, Retired, Great Schools Partnership; Board Chair, Teens to Trails
Denis Landry, President, Landry/French Construction (Retired)
Chris Norton, Vice President, Investments, Rogers Norton Wealth Management Group of Raymond James
Colin O’Neill, Chief Clinical Officer, Tri-County Mental Health Services
Pat Skall ,Director, Invaleon Technologies Corporation
Robin Taylor-Chiarello, Author, Self-employed
Kini-Ana Tinkham, Executive Director, Maine Resilience Building Network
Kathryn Wise, Senior Manager of Design and Planning, L.L.Bean
Established: 1971
Employees: 5
Annual revenue: $997,242.65
39% Individual contributions
31% Foundation and corporate grants
12% Investments
10% Corporate contributions
4% Special events
4% Rentals and miscellaneous revenue
1321 Washington Ave., Ste. 104
Portland, ME 04103
Facebook: Friends of Camp Susan Curtis
Instagram: camp_susan_curtis
LinkedIn: Camp Susan Curtis
CSC is accredited by the American Camp Association, is a Maine Children’s Alliance Giraffe Award recipient and a recipient of The Eleanor P. Eells Award for excellence at camps.
The mission of Camp Susan Curtis is to provide a transformative camp experience that nurtures self-confidence and a sense of belonging in Maine children facing economic hardship. Camp Susan Curtis is the only camp in Maine that provides a 10-day camp experience exclusively for Maine children from low-income households, at no cost to their families.
Camp Susan Curtis serves children facing economic hardship from across the State of Maine. In 2024, we served children from all 16 of Maine’s counties.
The Giving Guide helps nonprofits have the opportunity to showcase and differentiate their organizations so that businesses better understand how they can contribute to a nonprofit’s mission and work.
Learn MoreWork for ME is a workforce development tool to help Maine’s employers target Maine’s emerging workforce. Work for ME highlights each industry, its impact on Maine’s economy, the jobs available to entry-level workers, the training and education needed to get a career started.
Learn MoreWhether you’re a developer, financer, architect, or industry enthusiast, Groundbreaking Maine is crafted to be your go-to source for valuable insights in Maine’s real estate and construction community.
Coming June 2025
Learn moreThe Giving Guide helps nonprofits have the opportunity to showcase and differentiate their organizations so that businesses better understand how they can contribute to a nonprofit’s mission and work.
Work for ME is a workforce development tool to help Maine’s employers target Maine’s emerging workforce. Work for ME highlights each industry, its impact on Maine’s economy, the jobs available to entry-level workers, the training and education needed to get a career started.
Whether you’re a developer, financer, architect, or industry enthusiast, Groundbreaking Maine is crafted to be your go-to source for valuable insights in Maine’s real estate and construction community.
Coming June 2025
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