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5 hours ago

Construction starts on I-295 southbound ramp to South Portland

traffic map MAP COURTESY / MDOT With I-295 Exit 4 southbound closed, drivers are being detoured to Exit 3.

Drivers heading south over the Veterans Memorial Bridge in Portland are adapting to new traffic patterns this week as the ramp to Interstate 295 south has been reduced to a single lane, and Exit 4 to southbound U.S. Route 1 has been shut down. 

Traffic is being detoured to Exit 3 off I-295 near the intersection of Westbrook Street and Broadway in South Portland.

Reconstruction of the intersection at Exit 4 will provide an I-295 southbound connection that does not currently exist from Route 1. 

Damian Veilleux, spokesperson for the Maine Department of Transportation explained in an email to Mainebiz, “This will help alleviate some of the congestion on U.S. Route 1 (Main Street) and Broadway in South Portland, between exits 3 and 4. The ramp overpass is currently one-way towards Route 1 southbound, but will be reconfigured to allow two-way traffic so access to I-295 southbound can be provided.

“This will require restructuring the Exit 4 intersection along with the addition of a traffic signal for the new two-way configuration," he said. 

MDOT says the project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2026 and will cost $12.4 million. 

Veilleux added, “The overpass bridge deck and substructures are in poor condition, so the bridge portion of the work will address those issues. The highway lighting along this section of I-295 is also being updated to meet current standards. There is not expected to be any significant traffic impacts as a result of that work.”

The project is being managed by Richmond-based Wyman & Simpson. 

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