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April 20, 2011

Saco Defense nets $13M in contracts

General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products has been awarded two contracts worth a combined $12.9 million to build gun systems for the armed forces, with work to be performed in Saco.

Under one contract worth $7.8 million, General Dynamics will build 22 M61A2 Gatling gun systems for the U.S. Navy's F/A-18 fighter jets, according to a press release from the company. The guns can fire up to 6,000 rounds per minute. The award modifies an existing contract issued last May, bringing the total value to $17.7 million for 52 gun systems. The second, $5.1 million contract is for spare items for the U.S. Army's GAU-19/A Gatling gun systems, which are used on land, air and sea platforms.

All the work will be performed at Saco Defense, which employs 420 people. Work on the gun systems for the Navy jets is expected to be completed in April 2013, while work on the Army systems will be completed by the fall of 2014.

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