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September 9, 2008

Service industry will fuel job growth

The bulk of Maine's job growth in the next eight years will be concentrated in the service industry, while the manufacturing industry is expected to continue losing jobs, according to a new report from the Maine Department of Labor.

The report, "Maine Employment Outlook to 2016," projects that three-quarters of the state's new jobs from now until 2016 will be in the education, leisure and hospitality, health services and retail industries. The service-providing sector is expected to grow 7.5% from 2006-2016, adding 37,368 new jobs. Manufacturing, on the other hand, is projected to lose 7,671 jobs for a 12.8% decline. The biggest gain will be seen in ambulatory health care services, with a jump of 5,308 jobs, and the biggest loss will be in paper manufacturing, with a decline of 2,680 jobs, according to the report.

The report estimates that total employment in Maine will increase 5% to 710,509 jobs in 2016.


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