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Updated: June 26, 2024

Why LinkedIn will be a vital tool for professionals in 2024 and beyond

Who would have imagined a world where people were constantly looking at their phones, and sometimes looking simultaneously at their desktops and iPads?

With so much of our collective energy focused online, a strong online presence is crucial for advancing your career and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. 

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Nancy Marshall, Marshall Communications

I do a lot of in-person networking events, but I always connect with people on LinkedIn almost immediately when I meet them in person so I can remember them, and so they can remember me.

I sometimes pull out my phone while I am standing with them at an event and say, “let’s connect right now so we remember each other!” 

Otherwise, it’s easy to forget someone’s name the next time you need what they have to offer. And vice versa, they may forget your name if they need what you offer. Since the pandemic, I have noticed that fewer people are using business cards, making LinkedIn even more important. 

Millions of users

One of the most powerful tools for professionals looking to network and showcase their skills in 2024 is actually LinkedIn.

With over 700 million users worldwide, LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for professionals to connect, engage, and share their accomplishments. It's not just a social network, but a professional hub that opens doors to new opportunities and connections.

One key aspect of using LinkedIn effectively is having a complete profile. Your LinkedIn profile is essentially your online resume, so it's crucial to include all relevant information about your education, work experience, skills, and accomplishments. This not only helps potential employers or clients learn more about you, but it also makes you more searchable on the platform, giving you a professional edge. 

One effective way to make yourself more searchable on LinkedIn is by strategically using keywords in your summary section. Keywords are terms or phrases people will likely use when searching for someone with your skills or expertise. Including relevant keywords in your summary section increases the chances of your profile appearing in search results when someone is looking for someone with your qualifications.

Credibility and visibility

Another reason LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professionals is its credibility and visibility. It is a respected site by Google, with a high domain authority. This means that when someone is searching for what you have to offer, Google will point them to LinkedIn, boosting your visibility and credibility in the professional sphere. It's a recognition of your professional standing and a testament to your expertise. 

When someone searches for your name on Google, your LinkedIn profile will likely appear near the top of the search results. This can be incredibly beneficial for building your personal brand and attracting potential clients, employees, vendors, suppliers, and even friends.

Just as musicians or authors showcase their body of work on platforms like IMDb, Spotify, or Amazon, professionals can use LinkedIn to showcase their accomplishments throughout their careers.

This is not about bragging, but rather about gaining recognition and validation for your expertise and value to others. By showcasing your achievements on your profile, you can attract the right people who are looking for someone with your skills and experience and feel a sense of respect and value in your professional field.

In addition to having a complete profile, it's also important to regularly write and post engaging content on LinkedIn. This demonstrates your expertise and value to your network and helps you stay top of mind with your connections. Whether you're sharing industry insights, discussing current trends, or highlighting your latest project, sharing content on LinkedIn can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. It can help you be the first one people think of when they need what you have to offer (rather than your competitor who is NOT on LinkedIn).

Engage with your network

Finally, one of the most effective ways to foster a sense of community on LinkedIn is by actively engaging with your network.

Commenting on other people's posts not only shows your support for your connections but also helps you build meaningful relationships with others in your industry. By engaging with others on LinkedIn, you can expand your network, learn from others, and even uncover new opportunities for collaboration or business. This sense of connection and community is a powerful aspect of LinkedIn that can greatly enhance your professional journey.

Harnessing the power of LinkedIn can empower you to impact your career significantly. You can take control of your professional narrative by curating a complete profile, strategically using keywords in your summary section, showcasing your accomplishments, regularly posting engaging content, and actively engaging with others on the platform. This not only positions you as a thought leader in your field, but also attracts the right people to your network.

Combine the power of in-person networking with online networking to build your career and your personal brand, and LinkedIn is the tool to leverage to its fullest potential.

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