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The 13,000-square-foot industrial building has 12 loading docks and ceilings up to 23 feet. “We shot it to a few investors and quickly had multiple bids,” said the listing broker.
Every two weeks, Mainebiz publishes an interview with a business newsmaker we call "On the Record." Here are some highlights from 2022's "On the Record" interviews.
Temperatures reaching thousands of degrees. Brutal cosmic conditions. Novel exploratory missions traversing billions of miles. The challenges of manufacturing for extreme conditions are technical and inventive. We checked in with some of these
From small businesses like Franklin Printing to larger players such as Puritan Medical Products and Bath Iron Works, Maine manufacturers are getting more strategic about recruiting and hiring as many of their older employees retire.
It may not be what anyone would call heady times, but the manufacturing industry has held its own in these turbulent times.
The vote followed tense negotiations. Pulp is at record prices and the members of USW Local 27, who worked through the pandemic, say they are setting new shipping records.
Bath Iron Works supported more than $1.8 billion in total economic output in 2021, including $980 million contributed to state GDP, according to a USM study released by BIW.
KV Tooling Systems will use the loan to hire new employees, build an addition on the Augusta property and purchase equipment, among other needs.
On a 12-acre parcel on the Cousins River, Sea Meadow Marine envisions a business incubator and marine hub for fisheries and sustainable aquaculture alongside marina services, heritage boat builders and recreational boaters. Services such as water
A New York-based renewable energy company is the new owner of five hydroelectric power facilities and a fishway in Cumberland County.
It's hoped the initiatives, including a pilot program to bring scientists from underrepresented populations to JAX, will create a more inclusive culture and specialized mentorships.
Washington, D.C.-based DG Fuels LLC said up to 650 jobs could be created. Groundbreaking is planned for summer 2024, with a 2027 opening.
The upgrade will increase the Skowhegan plant's capacity to produce solid bleached sulfate board products, which are used in packaging for cosmetics and perfume, health and beauty care, consumer electronics, confectionary and luxury drinks.
The figure represents a 19.3% increase over 2020, the latest national barometer released shows.
The Houlton facility was opened in 1981 as an oriented strand board mill and is LP’s second-longest running facility. This is LP’s third major capital expansion project at Houlton and second since 2021.
Elmet Technologies manufactured components for the rocket that will be used to launch the Orion space capsule in NASA’s Artemis program.