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Updated: January 24, 2022 From the Editor

From the Editor: Southern Maine’s challenges and opportunities are also Maine’s

Earlier this month, I jumped at a chance to talk to a management class in Presque Isle. With the shutdowns and restrictions of the past two years, it had been too long since I’d been up to Aroostook County.

I was somewhat surprised to hear that many of the issues we hear about every day in southern Maine are also concerns in the County. The rising cost of housing, the lack of workers and the general shortage of young people entering the workforce are common topics in the Portland market, certainly, but it was a good reminder that they’re also statewide and national issues.

Along those lines, Mainebiz recently polled business leaders about their most pressing need for 2022. Far and away the largest portion, 54%, cited staffing as the No. 1 priority for investment this year. For more on that survey, see the “Southern Maine Roundup” on Page 22.

Our cover story focuses on Sanford’s transition from being a textile manufacturing center to a more diverse hub for a range of industries. In our cover story, Laurie Schreiber digs into some of the changes in “Bullish on Sanford,” which starts on Page 14.

South Portland has seen a wave of independent shops and purveyors opening in various neighborhoods, as Renee Cordes reports. From a vintage home decor store to a raw bar, we have more in “SoPo’s mojo,” which starts on Page 18.

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