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January 16, 2009

Guv spares forestry program

Gov. John Baldacci has reversed his decision on a proposal in his supplemental budget to give oversight of Maine's forest sustainability to the federal government.

Eliminating the Maine Department of Conservation's Forest Inventory and Analysis Program would have reverted tallying of forest inventories to the U.S. Forest Service, which conducted the inventories until the state took over several years ago, The Times Record reported. The move would have saved about $98,000 between now and June 30, but Baldacci decided to spare the program after industry experts testified earlier this month during budget hearings that the federal forest service lacks the resources to promptly conduct the inventories. Any lag in the reporting, they said, risks the state's ability to meet growing demand for Maine timber in sectors like energy production.

Canceling the cut, part of a plan to decrease spending by $140 million this fiscal year, will save five full-time and eight seasonal jobs, some of which are partially federally funded, the paper reported.

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