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May 6, 2010

CMP agrees to shrink transmission project

Central Maine Power Co. has tentatively agreed to a scaled-back version of its major transmission upgrade, as recommended by regulatory commission staff last week.

Though details on the draft settlement between CMP and the Maine Public Utilities Commission are confidential, it indicates CMP is willing to shrink the size of its Maine Power Reliability Project and reduce the $1.5 billion price tag, according to the Portland Press Herald. A final settlement between the company and the PUC has not yet been reached, and must be signed by key parties involved in the case. A meeting between CMP and those parties, including the Maine Public Advocate's Office, the Conservation Law Foundation and GridSolar, is scheduled for today.

Two years ago, CMP proposed upgrading the 350 miles of transmission from Orrington to the New Hampshire border by building 345-kilovolt and 115-kilovolt lines and substations. An examiner's report from the PUC staff recommended scrapping parts of the upgrade and reducing the final cost to $1 billion.

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