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October 13, 2010

EPA orders UMaine to restore wetlands

Federal environmental regulators have ordered the University of Maine to restore wetlands the school disrupted during campus construction over the last 25 years.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that UMaine twice filled in the wetlands since 1984 without gaining permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, and deemed the acts a violation of the federal Clean Water Act, according to the Bangor Daily News. Instead of issuing a fine, the EPA ordered the school to remove about 2 acres of landfill and snow dump from the wetlands area, and restore an acre of wetland converted into a livestock paddock. UMaine must also restore an additional 3.66 acres of farmed area.

The university has agreed to the order, and a spokesman did not know yet how much the work would cost, according to the paper.

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