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October 30, 2012

Study: MEA's influence middle of the pack

Maine's teachers union came in near the middle of the pack in a ranking that assesses the union's influence.

The Kennebec Journal reported that the Maine Education Association ranked No. 22 in a report by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and Education Reform Now.

The report based its findings on several areas, including the alignment of state policies with typical union priorities. The study didn't consider the impact on the MEA from recently passed laws allowing charter schools, reduced retiree benefits and a requirement that the MEA Benefits Trust release employee data on health insurance claims. The study's author said had those new measures been considered, Maine's ranking would have likely been lower.

The report ranked Maine right in the middle, at No. 25 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia, for union participation, which stands at 77% of all teachers in the state. The report also ranked Maine No. 25 for the amount of education expenditures going to teacher salaries and benefits, which stands at 54%.

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