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February 27, 2009

Pike Industries lands first stimulus project

Pike Industries office in Lewiston has received the $31.5 million contract to rebuild the northbound lanes of I-295 between Brunswick and Gardiner.

The New Hampshire-based company currently employs 250 in Maine and said it plans to hire as many as 100 more for the project, according to the Portland Press Herald. The project will also provide jobs for hundreds more. Pike's regional manager told the paper that the company will need to contract roughly 75 independent dump truck operators for the project. It will also hire subcontractors for specific projects, such as Main Line Fence Co. in Cumberland for the guardrails and Cianbro Corp. in Pittsfield for the bridge work, according to the paper.

The project will be the first in Maine funded by the $787 billion federal stimulus package. In total, Maine will receive roughly $162 million for transportation projects.

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